My progress during Season 3 of Rocket League

It should be readily evident from some of my other posts that I love Rocket League. I started playing ranked matches during Rocket League’s Season 3 (which ran from June 2016 through March 2017), and towards the end of August 2016 I started tracking my progress in a spreadsheet. I kept track of my skill ratings (similar to an Elo ranking) in the different playlists using a stat tracking website and once a week I would run through each of the default all-star trainings five times as an alternative metric for mechanical skills.

I had originally had very ambitious plans for what I would do with the stats I collected, but since it’s been two months since Season 3 ended I wanted to post something before the project lost all momentum. Perhaps I’ll revisit this in more detail later, but for now the project has culminated in a simple page posted here which lets you explore different ratings/rankings over time or number of games played.

There are a few points I found interesting from exploring the data:

  • My unranked rating (rating from playing in casual playlists) stayed more or less constant over all of Season 3, even though I undoubtedly improved over that time period.
  • Looking at a playlist rating vs. number of games played (e.g., Standard rating vs. Ranked standard games played) I hit a plateau in Duel and Solo standard, but not in Doubles or Standard. Perhaps through the latter half of Season 3, my teamwork improved more than other mechanical skills, which doesn’t show up as much in Duel or (unfortunately) in Solo standard.
  • I plateaued fairly quickly in Keeper and Striker training, while I continuously improved in Aerial training. Keeper plateaued because I quickly approached 100% completion, whereas Striker seemed to always hover around 70%. I’m not sure why I’m not better at Striker even after spending so much time on it.

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